Come join us for the last regular season tournament of the 2020 season on Cordell Hull this Saturday May 30th.
Cordell Hull Lake
Wildwood Marina
Blast Off: 6:00a
Weigh In: 2:00p
Be in water, paid up by 5:40a.
We do have a few announcements concerning this event:
1) Wildwood Marina has requested/communicated they only have 32 parking spots for boat trailer parking. Please be aware of this as the lot fills up and be prepared to launch your boat at a nearby ramp (Indian or Martins creek) if the lot indeed fills up and we need more parking.
2) Wildwood Marina has a $5 launch fee that is asked for those utilizing the launch facilities. Please be courteous and provide this at the time of launch. Wildwood does have a perk for this fee though: it comes with discounts on in store purchases and restaurant purchases.
Come join us for another Saturday of fishing and fellowship!!
Tight Lines,